For those of you bro-haters who don’t know, the shocker is when you put your index, middle, and pinky finger out. Sure it doesn’t seem very cool, but that’s before you hear what it symbolizes. That’s right two in the pink and one in the stink! Now I have never actually given a bra the shocker as I have fundamental problems with entering exits, but I know people who have and they said it is the shit. The only thing better than giving the shocker in a picture is giving a super-shocker, which is an extension of the pinky, ring, and index fingers aka two in the stink and one in the pink.
Overall, a well-timed shocker/super-shocker can give you major bro-cred and make any boring picture absolutely hilarious.
Throwing up the shocker in a picture is jbro as shit. anyone who thinks this website is bro is a fucking idiot and has never read the beer lodge, a true bro website. RIP
Listen, Anonymous, if that is your real name, Bro-Haters like yourself have no place at this site.
YOU SEE THIS?? (pointing to the oversized Polo Horse on my shirt) IT MEANS NOT WELCOME.
bros don't even know what jbro means
kill yourself beer lodge creator
#19 – Lax
Everyone knows that Native Americans were the OBs (Original Bros). Consequently, almost anything an Indian does is acceptable bro-havior. This includes, but is not limited to, gambling, excessive drinking, illicit drug use, and partaking in the most significant part of the red man’s bro-legacy: Lax.
If a bro has ever even owned a lax stick, he will invariably be wearing lax shorts and/or a lax practice jersey. Extra bro-cred is earned for wearing said attire in places where such casual wear is generally not worn. For example, wearing lax shorts or a lax practice jersey at the gym is a strong move, but not very original. Sporting your lax shorts to the bar lets every slam-box in the place know that you play the most bro-rific sport ever invented. When looking to get D’ed up on any given night, slam-boxes obviously prefer a bro who lax-es.
Maximum bro-points can be earned by wearing lax schwag where it is entirely frowned upon. If a bro rocks lax shorts to his court hearing for the Drunk In Public he obviously got last weekend, he shall be worshipped as a Bro among Bros. The only way to Big Time a bro who constantly rocks lax attire is to play Varsity Lax. College club lax is for pussies, no matter how good your school’s varsity team is.
Bro Tip: If you’re not good enough to play college varsity lax, don’t be a pussy and join the club team. The obvious bro move is to fake a serious injury and tell everyone that you would have played college varsity lax if you hadn’t hurt your (fill in the blank, be creative).
Dude, why don't you let the author comment on what is broworthy and what is not. Thank you for this useless commentary on what you interpret as a bro. Please, for the life of all the readers, refrain from posting ever again because your thoughts and unfunny comments just wasted the valuable 30 seconds me and other readers spent reading your comments. If I were you, i would do myself a favor and kill myself.
Bros don't like it when other bros try to upstage them. #19 Lax = Fail.
Upstaging your bro is the ultimate bro move. Ned, you gotta know.
Yeah, no offense, but you can't really deny that bros like lax. They just do. And that's pretty much all there is to it. That shit is pretty obvious and funny. You probably should have just thought of that already, and then no one would have to cry that it wasn't already on this blog.
Oh, please don't get me wrong bro - Bros love Lax.
An equally bro worthy sport is rugby. Not only does it involve hitting bro-haters on the other team, but afterwards you and your bros are so jacked from playing, you roll deep with them and become an unstopable force at the bars/clubs. If bras try to get snapshots of their night, and there is a rugby team rolling deep at the same club, then those bras better expect a fleet of shockers in every pic.
I thought #19-lax was dece cause i know a number of Napoleon Bronaparts that could sling a lax stick and wear their practice equipment to any social gathering. Indians are the true OB's.
I have to compliment your use of American History X, bros love that movie..."bite the curb" can be used whenever pulling the arms out from under a bra while doing her from behind
Well you know what they say...If the Shocker don't rock her...SPOCK HER!
two in the stink one is the pink is actually known as The Punisher.
Spocking is the shit! Two in pink, two in the stink.. bros fucking rule
Bro what the fuck is a practice jersey, its called a penny.
You are mixing up sickboyz with bros. Bros dont do the shocker, sickboyz do. Sickboyz are similar to bros but typically wear lame AF shirts and have chinstrap beards.
Bro the best way to give the shocker to a slam piece is while your 69ing and shes sucking your dick. Once you get the shocker going the slut slam piece's mouth automatically tightens making the dome even better.
Got that shit stickered on my whip.
The best time to use the shocker is when you're FBing a chick on the dance floor. Just throw this way up in the air. All your bros will know what's goin down.
casually slid the shocker in a pic my slampiece's mom wanted to take before i took her daughter off to homecoming sr yr back in high school. no big fuckin deal. the photo was also on the mantle when you walked in the house. now everyone gets to see how fuckin brotastic i am. her parents have no idea that the shocker is there or what it means.
just so u know. 2 in the pink, 2 in the stink is also called the Spocker, because its the same sign spock gives. Live long and Spock her!
Hey Bros, Best thing about the Shocker....It is our college hand symbol...Wichita State Shockers..Only true Bros use the shocker...
I threw up the shocker a few years ago in my middle school yearbook. I was a bro before it was cool
the reverse aka the butt shocker is also bro as shit
Don't forget the muthafucken spocker 2 in the poo 2 in the goo
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